HUGLESS DOUGLASHugless Douglas is in need of ‘a big bear hug’. As he goes in search of one, none seem quite right – too small, too short and too uncomfortable. Of course, there’s only one hug that will do – a hug from his mum!
DON’T WORRY HUGLESS DOUGLASWhen Hugless Douglas’ dad gives him a new woolly hat, he doesn’t notice it start to unravel. His friends have helpful but useless ideas of how to put things right but Hugless Douglas has to tell his dad about the hat disaster. How will his dad take it? Well, like any loving dad would.
HUGLESS DOUGLAS AND THE BIG SLEEPHugless Douglas collects so many friends on his way to Rabbit’s sleepover that soon it’s a big squash in the small burrow! Will Hugless Douglas and his friends ever get to sleep?
WE LOVE YOU HUGLESS DOUGLASWhen Hugless Douglas goes on a best friend hunt with Flossie the sheep, everyone seems to have a best friend except him! Perhaps what Hugless Douglas is looking for is right under his nose...